Web development
Website design has changed a lot over the last 20 years. But by and large they are still built for one purpose…attract new clients. Every site should be…
Device Friendly
Considering how each audience member accesses your website differently, you want your website to have the same type of feel no matter which device it is being viewed on.
Search Engine Optimized
SEO is essentially the process of how your content is ranked on the search engines. Ranking is a critical component of creating traffic; the better you are ranked, the more traffic you can potentially obtain.
Incorporate Subscriber Opt-In's
User Opt-In’s are designed to take the prospect or cold traffic from strictly viewing your website, to creating a more relationship field connection elsewhere.
Include Contact Information
The last thing you want is to create more hurdles for your audience member to have to jump through hoops to contact you… this is why your contact information should be easily accessible on every web page.
3 Simple Secrets To Instantly Boost Website Conversions
You’ve just devoted time, money, and/or even resources to build a website and now you are looking at what the next step is in growing your business.
I’m sure you are probably thinking… “It’s time to create traffic, let’s just share it out and see if prospects convert.”
Before jumping to that step, there is one HUGE thing you don’t want to forget…
Think of website hosting as the technical support for your website.
Website hosting provides software, security, support, and ban width that connects your website to the internet.
Something as valuable as your website should be protected at all costs.
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