3D Printing

It’s time to bring your creation to life! Everything counts when running your business so why not invest the time energy and resources into a product line that can act as another source of income for your business?… or just looking to add to your existing collection? Either way we’ve got you covered!  

3D Printing Consultation Exchange Services

Starts with a file

Bringing your creation to life is easier than ever! It starts with producing a digital file such as a PDF, STL, G-code, and so on. This file later can be fit to scale as needed. If you need to change size, shape; this stage is where the final touches are made before printing.

Printing the File

We take the time to print it and assemble the product. We typically use PLA/ PLA + for the filament. If you would need a different color, material, or have specific capabilities with the general printing process like density, etc, this is where we gather that info.


Once the file is printed, it is up to you on how you’d like to proceed. Since the prints are made from plastics, most people will paint them to their preferred standards and coat them with epoxy, to make their prints a stronger material. Its time to show the world your creation! Let’s begin!

Perks of having something 3d printed:

Going from an idea in your brain, to a tangible object you can hold In your hand, is such a magical process! We hope to walk you through the various options you have and to show what’s possible in the 3d printing space.

Brand Recognition

Imagine having a bust of your face on your work desk, or your companies logo printed, hanging on the wall, your brand imagine should definitely speak to your audience. What it is saying it up to you!

Various size options

Anything as small as a diamond, to as large as a helmet, we can craft for you! All pre-exisitng models of yours can also be sized to scale.


Since 3d printing has only become more mainstream in the recent years, the extent on what’s possible to print, is up to the users imagination. If you can think it, you can print it!

Custom parts

When all of the shelves at your favorite store are out of the product you need, what do you do? You could wait for them to restock… or just print your own part! Printing on demand can be a much smoother process.


Would you want to see others enjoying the hard work you’ve put into creating a product? Of course… who wouldn’t?! It’s time to show the world what you are made of! Let’s get some sales going!

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