You’ve just devoted time, money, and/or even resources to build a website and now you are looking at what the next step is in growing your business.
I’m sure you are probably thinking… “It’s time to create traffic, let’s just share it out and see if prospects convert.”
Before jumping to that step, there is one HUGE thing you don’t want to forget… and that is reviewing every page and establishing if it is visually appealing to your audience.
This step seems pretty simple, yet I see business after business forgetting to do so.
What makes a website visually appealing?
Let’s start with color combinations. Do the colors of the backgrounds, headers,fonts, pictures, and footers all compliment each other and flow well together? Is it easy on the eyes? Some color combinations make you feel uncomfortable and you don’t want that.
Next, we have text. Is the text big enough to read? Do you think your viewer would have to squint or zoom in to be able to read it better? Does the text fit well on the page itself or does it seem out of place?
These next points come hand and hand and they are… Is your website easily scrollable? And are you making it easy for the consumer to find their way around your site? Is your contact information easy to find? Is everything in a place that actually looks right?
The last thing you want is for a prospect to land on your website and immediately leave just because of the way your website appears.
When this happens, the prospect doesn’t take the time to read your content, watch your videos, look at your products, or even convert the way you would like them to. This in turn will cost you lots of potential leads, lower your conversion rate, and even make you seem less professional.
So before the masses witness the creation of the website you just built, take a look to see if everything looks good together. Although this may vary slightly from person to person, most people overall will agree if everything looks good on a website or not.
If you are unsure and would like another opinion on your website, we are always around to help.