Im sure sometime over your life time you have contemplated about starting a business or company. There are many things that I wish I was experienced in before I started. This page is dedicated to the path one should go about learning marketing and how one should progress with it. So instead watching countless hours of youtube videos bouncing back and fourth from topic to topic, why not learn how the flow of marketing should be taught? Below is a sequence of articles that we have written that help you progress from beginner to more advanced. (we are adding articles to it weekly so be on the lookout for that.) If you have any questions, let us know!

Your future is important – It’s time to think about it. 

Where are you at in life? You could be thinking about what job you want to have and what career you want to build. Or, you may be wondering if you fit in at your job and how much longer you want to spend working. No matter where you are in life you should ask yourself these five questions to help guide you down your career and business path.

Where are you at in life? You could be thinking about what job you want to have and what career you want to build. Or, you may be wondering if you fit in at your job and how much longer you want to spend working. No matter where you are in life you should ask yourself these five questions to help guide you down your career and business path.

Turning Frustrations Into Sales

Have you ever experienced some type of frustration in your life? Have you also ever wondered how certain companies just seem to fix that problem you are having after you buy their product or service?. No matter where you are in life you should ask yourself these five questions to help guide you down your career and business path.

Have you ever experienced some type of frustration in your life? Have you also ever wondered how certain companies just seem to fix that problem you are having after you buy their product or service?. No matter where you are in life you should ask yourself these five questions to help guide you down your career and business path.

Diving Deeper Into Knowing Your Target Market

Congratulations on finalizing your idea for a product or service that you will bring to the market. Since you’ve identified who you are marketing to, it should be rainbows and sunshine from here on out, correct? Unfortunately, there is more to know before you start catering your idea around the prospect. Let me explain…

Congratulations on finalizing your idea for a product or service that you will bring to the market. Since you’ve identified who you are marketing to, it should be rainbows and sunshine from here on out, correct? Unfortunately, there is more to know before you start catering your idea around the prospect. Let me explain…

What To Know About Cold, Warm & Hot Traffic

The type of traffic source you are advertising to means the difference in what kind of marketing campaign you are incorporating. Once you know what each of them are, you are that much closer to having a more successful campaign, so let’s jump into it…

The type of traffic source you are advertising to means the difference in what kind of marketing campaign you are incorporating. Once you know what each of them are, you are that much closer to having a more successful campaign, so let’s jump into it…

Clickbait Or Long Term Clients

As the years have progressed, the way companies have marketed has changed too. One thing that has drastically changed the market for advertisers was the creation of the internet. Some companies like to take advantage and target those specific individuals that have that certain curiosity factor about them. So are your titles compelling or clickbait? 

As the years have progressed, the way companies have marketed has changed too. One thing that has drastically changed the market for advertisers was the creation of the internet. Some companies like to take advantage and target those specific individuals that have that certain curiosity factor about them. So are your titles compelling or clickbait? 

How To Increase Google Traffic Without Having A Website

A few people have come to us lately asking how they can increase their online traffic without having a website and although there any numerous ways to do that, today we would like to talk about Google My Business specifically. 

What is Google My Business? 

A few people have come to us lately asking how they can increase their online traffic without having a website and although there any numerous ways to do that, today we would like to talk about Google My Business specifically. 

What is Google My Business? 

SEO & the search demand curve

SEO is essentially the process of how your content is ranked on the search engines. Ranking is a critical component of creating traffic; the better you are ranked, the more traffic you can potentially obtain. The key is to understand how to rank better than your competition… after all, more traffic can translate to more business.

So lets jump into the “how” of SEO…

SEO is essentially the process of how your content is ranked on the search engines. Ranking is a critical component of creating traffic; the better you are ranked, the more traffic you can potentially obtain. The key is to understand how to rank better than your competition… after all, more traffic can translate to more business.

So lets jump into the “how” of SEO…

3 Simple Secrets To Instantly Boost Website Conversions

You’ve just devoted time, money, and/or even resources to build a website and now you are looking at what the next step is in growing your business.

I’m sure you are probably thinking… “It’s time to create traffic, let’s just share it out and see if prospects convert.”

Before jumping to that step, there is one HUGE thing you don’t want to forget…

You’ve just devoted time, money, and/or even resources to build a website and now you are looking at what the next step is in growing your business.

I’m sure you are probably thinking… “It’s time to create traffic, let’s just share it out and see if prospects convert.”

Before jumping to that step, there is one HUGE thing you don’t want to forget…

Making It Difficult To Hire You

Why is it entrepreneurs try so desperately to make it easy for customers to hire them, when they should be making it more difficult?

Now bear with me here and I’ll explain…

Why is it entrepreneurs try so desperately to make it easy for customers to hire them, when they should be making it more difficult?

Now bear with me here and I’ll explain…

When You Forget To Stay In Touch With Your Email Subscribers

If you haven’t contacted your subscriber base in some time, don’t make the first returning email a marketing piece unless you want a high delete ratio or labeled as spam.

If you haven’t contacted your subscriber base in some time, don’t make the first returning email a marketing piece unless you want a high delete ratio or labeled as spam.

Enhancing Brand Awareness On Youtube

We were asked the other day by a youtuber starting off: “What is one thing I can do to build brand awareness on youtube?”

Although there are plenty of marketing tips and tricks you can apply on youtube to increase the awareness customers have with your brand, today we would like to narrow it down and just talk about youtube endscreens and calling cards.

I’m sure you are probably thinking… “It’s time to create traffic, let’s just share it out and see if prospects convert.”

Before jumping to that step, there is one HUGE thing you don’t want to forget…

We were asked the other day by a youtuber starting off: “What is one thing I can do to build brand awareness on youtube?”

Although there are plenty of marketing tips and tricks you can apply on youtube to increase the awareness customers have with your brand, today we would like to narrow it down and just talk about youtube endscreens and calling cards.

I’m sure you are probably thinking… “It’s time to create traffic, let’s just share it out and see if prospects convert.”

Before jumping to that step, there is one HUGE thing you don’t want to forget…

Using the Facebook pixel to increase pay per click ROI

Pay Per Click is to some a very confusing and expensive way of advertising on Google, Bing, Facebook, Twitter and many of the search and social platforms but it doesn’t have to be. PPC as it’s commonly referred to is a way to get your message across to the exact audience you wish.

 But there are right and wrong ways of using PPC. 

Pay Per Click is to some a very confusing and expensive way of advertising on Google, Bing, Facebook, Twitter and many of the search and social platforms but it doesn’t have to be. PPC as it’s commonly referred to is a way to get your message across to the exact audience you wish.

 But there are right and wrong ways of using PPC.